On December 3rd, we’re doing a fundraiser pajama-themed photoshoot to benefit Toys for Pittsburgh Tikes.  This non-profit organization provides Christmas presents for less fortunate children throughout Pittsburgh and the surrounding areas.  Last year, they collected over 200,000 toys and raised $50,000.  For a $125 donation directly to Toys for Pittsburgh Tikes, families can reserve a 30-minute photoshoot and receive a set of 25 custom holiday cards.  The shoot is pajama-themed, and kids are welcome to pose and jump on the bed, and have a short pillow fight, followed by a blast of feathers.  It will be fun and all documented for you to cherish and share on your holiday cards.

My boys really had fun with this.  And I’ll mention that my oldest is not a fan of being in the limelight which is why you really won’t see photos of my kids on my website, but he gave me permission to use his photos to promote this fundraiser to help kids.  So proud!

Here’s an example of the custom holiday cards that come with the session:

Oh, and there’s also a simple frocked Christmas tree with white lights where the whole family can be photographed.  Wear your jammies or do a quick change in our dressing room.  Click the button below to learn more, make a donation to Toys for Pittsburgh Tikes and reserve your session.  Sessions are limited.