
This senior guy wanted his photos to take place in Pittsburgh.  He may be a Seneca Valley senior, but if you ask him where he’s from, he’s likely to say Pittsburgh.

We fit his session into a mid-day weekend, because he’s got a full-schedule between work, baseball, and friends.  If you’ve read any of my posts before, you may have picked up on how I avoid mid-day shoots. Normally, I’d plan for morning or late in the day for the best lighting.  So with this need in mind, we picked an indoor location and looked for open shade when we were outdoors.  And I’ve gotta say, this location on the South Side never disappoints!

This graffiti-covered train car was parked off-track in the shade of the historic building where we shot indoors.  I’m just mentioning it was off-track because it’s illegal to photograph people on train tracks.  So we were safe and this train added a lot of color to the scene and fit in perfectly with the nearby murals.

On The Field

On the drive from the city, we stopped off at Graham Park for some shots on the baseball fields, where this family has spent countless hours cheering on their son.

If you’re a Seneca Valley senior and you haven’t gotten around to senior pics yet, it’s not too late!  I’d love to hear from you!