Beaver County Family Portrait

Goodness gracious, I think I’m boy crazy! After having two boys of our own, my husband and I feel like we have a new way of looking at the world and one of the outcomes is that we think little boys are so ridiculously cute! And while the boys from this recent session are older than our sons, I loved spending time with them and am excited for what’s to come in our family.

I recently reconnected with this family through facebook. The mom and I were part of a theater group when we were teens and have shared some of the best memories I’ve had from growing up. So it was a real treat to meet her family and catch up a bit.


We did this session in their backyard and it was the perfect setting because the boys could climb their favorite trees there!



I envisioned this photo going differently but love what we came up with after the youngest plopped down on his mama. So we went with it and added his brother and it’s one of my favorites!


The at-home session also allowed for shots that would have been more complicated at a park, etc., strictly from a logistics point of view because everything they needed was already there. I like these shots because the boys are just genuinely happy. We used them as an incentive for their cooperation earlier in the shoot when they were less interested. Bribery is an effective tool and I use it to photograph my boys all of the time!



Pittsburgh Family Portrait

Here’s a fun backyard session from a few weeks back. And by backyard, what I should really say is gorgeous nature walk through the woods. And it actually is the backyard of this awesome nature-loving family!

But let me start with the kids, they are real charmers, even asking if I wanted to be in one of the photos. How sweet!?!


And here’s the whole family. Doesn’t it look like they were having fun? We kept the shoot light and low on the fuss factor. And for families with younger children, I think that’s really important. As soon as an adult on the shoot (photographer included) gets fussy and frets about stray hairs or posing, the kids disconnect and it becomes challenging for everyone. With that being said, props to this mom who had everyone ready to go, so the moments leading up to the shoot were low-stress and the kids were in a great mood.



They spend a lot of time down by the creek and we shifted into more of a lifestyle photography approach.




I really love lifestyle photography because it combines portraiture with everyday life – carefully planned to highlight our memories in the best possible light. As a photographer and a mom, that’s what I feel will be most precious to my family in years to come.