It’s Mother’s Day this Sunday and my wish for all of the moms out there is to find some time to nourish their passion.  Before we were moms, we certainly had a lot more time for things like trying a new recipe, crafting, exercising, decorating, learning a new language, making music, you name it…  As moms, we all have different demands for our attention, but over the last year or so, my two little boys have grown enough that I’m finding a little bit more freedom to do things that I enjoy outside of my role as a mom and it’s been so satisfying!  And I love it when I see other moms doing the same.

musician portrait

violinist photo

However, if you’re a mom of a newborn, take heart and know that you’ll eventually find time to explore your own interests again.  And if you’re the mom of a child with special needs, I encourage you to seek the support you need to find some time away so that you can fill your tank and come back as a mom who is refreshed with new energy to pour into caring for her children.  I really appreciate my husband for supporting me in this way.  He knows I need to create to be happy and does what he can to make sure I have time to do that.  Please don’t neglect yourself because it’s hard to ask for help, I did that for a while and it not only effected me, but my whole family.  So ask your spouse, a parent, a friend, because the demands of being a mother can weigh you down, but just a little bit of time can be so uplifting.  This afternoon session with my violinist friend left me feeling so encouraged and free.  It is a beautiful thing.

musician headshot
personal brand session