Tag Archive for: Christmas

Announcing 2011 Holiday Cards by Captivating Imagery

It’s hard to believe it’s already November and the holiday season is right around the corner. So if you’re the type who likes to send custom holiday cards (I am! Our dog Brownie usually graces our Christmas cards…), it’s the time to start thinking about ordering yours before the Dec. 9th deadline. Here’s a sample for Katherine and Robert who were married this July at the Pittsburgh Center for the Arts. This design is great for newlyweds who’d like to share a wedding portrait with their family and friends. I also have designs for family and newborn portraits.

Christmas cards

These flat 4×5.5 cards are full-color and two-sided with space for you to write a message on the back. The cards include envelopes and are sold in sets of 25 for $35 (sales tax included).

Here’s what the back looks like:

I’m working on my order now so that I can have them ready to go before all the hustle and bustle begins. The turnaround time for design, printing and shipping is 10 days. If you have questions, please don’t hesitate to email or call me. I’d be happy to talk with you!

Christmas Outtakes

This week we put our Christmas tree out on the curb and said “adieu” to a wonderful Christmas season. But I have just one more post related to the holiday because in our big family, it lasts into the new year with the various family Christmas dinners. And dinner with the Wells and Bowman family always promises priceless photo ops – I can say that cause they’re family. My sister-in-law and her husband have five little boys and they are all precious in their own way. I thought I’d post some of our outtakes, because they are the ones we will come to treasure over the years. As Aunt Kate, I command little authority as a photographer and there is an orchestra of family members behind me and the camera coaxing and cajoling these boys to smile. It’s fun and we definitely created some moments as you’ll see below.

Browns fan

Yes, my Pittsburgh friends, I have Browns’ fans in my family. They live in Ohio, so you can’t blame them. This little guy was not very smiley when it came to having his photo taken. His grimace suits the jersey though.

Sticking his tongue out

What is it about little boys that after a certain age, sticking your tongue out is the only way to pose for a photo? Just kidding, this guy smiled sweetly during our group family photo, but I happen to prefer this look for an ornery four-year old.


You can just tell that these two are going to be popular with the ladies someday.


I’m glad I didn’t delete this one, which is a natural inclination when I find that something unexpected has ended up in the frame. Remember what I was saying about being a photographer and trying to photograph your own family? I’m learning to enjoy the chaos.

Sad bunny ears

Ok, this one seems slightly cruel to include, but it was a priceless moment. My mother-in-law and I just laughed and decided we’ll get this one out for a chuckle when he graduates from high school. This little guy is the oldest of the brothers and the most adverse to having his photo taken. He was tearing up and refused to smile. His mom is to my left insisting that the sooner he smiles, the sooner we’ll be done. My husband is behind her, giving her bunny ears to lighten the mood and Tyler is starting to crack up through his tears. He’s trying to tell his mom that Uncle Brad is giving her bunny ears.

While that photo is funny today, I can’t help but posting this one below. Because Tyler is such a smart and sweet boy, I want to make sure I end these outtakes with a photo that really reflects his nature. And yes, that is Muhammed Ali in the background. I love my in-laws!

All smiles

Christmas portraits ~ Merry Christmas

Over the last few weeks I’ve worked with some great families and friends on family portraits in front of the Christmas tree. This season’s portraits included a couple of really well behaved kids and babies and a few furry friends.

Children's portrait

Dog by the Christmas tree

Dog with reindeer antlers and santa cap

Family portrait

I love Christmas tree portraits. The glowing Christmas trees are so sentimental—trimmed with the family’s collection of ornaments over the years. And people just seem to glow with warm feelings about the holiday to come. Merry Christmas to all and thanks to all my clients for a wonderful 2009!

Christmas family portrait