If you asked me ten years ago if photographing families in Christmas pajamas would be a thing, I’d find it amusing.  Add in a pillow fight and a flurry of feathers and it just keeps getting better!  This month, we raised funds for Toys for Pittsburgh Tykes with our pajama-themed photoshoot and I’ve gotta say, the kids were having a blast with it!

We paced ourselves and started with the family portrait first.  (Notice how mom and dad let the kids have all of the fun with the jammies.)  Then after a few calm portraits, we had a gentle pillow fight.  And not too much later, we turned on a fan and blew the contents of a down pillow all around the studio!  Crazy, right?  But it was worth it because it was so much fun!

Some of my favorite photos took place right after the family portrait, we let each kid take turns jumping on the bed.  I love their creativity and how they cheered one another on!

That was fun. Let’s do it again!

Ahh, that was 30-minutes of pure fun and this family got their holiday cards and some prints to remember it by!  Though it did take a few passes with the vacuum, I’d gladly do it again!  If you are looking for a fun photoshoot for your family, this is it!  Contact me and we’ll make it happen!