This family waited to capture their baby at 8-months old with a sitter session in and around their home.  The first year of a baby’s life has so many wonderful milestones, rolling, sitting, crawling, eating, talking, and walking.  Sometimes some of these things happen after the first year.  It’s not so much about when it happens, but celebrating the growth when it does happen!  And this baby girl was just beginning to sit up independently for a few seconds.  Her parent were so thrilled to see her figuring out this new and exciting thing!  Just look at that face—so proud!

During their photo reveal, my audio wasn’t working while the slideshow played.  To be honest, hearing the gushing oohs and ahs of this mom and dad was music to my ears.  This was the first professional photography session for their daughter and they were so pleased to see their baby’s personality and milestones captured.  It really made my day!

Cozy and Warm At-Home Portraits

We started outside in their yard with the beautiful fall foliage.  Then when we were too cold, we headed inside.  And the photos inside their home are some of my favorites! She just snuggled right to sleep in her mama’s arms!

An expecting mom asked me recently what would happen if her babies (twins) needed to stay at the hospital longer and missed that fresh, newly born phase.  And I was able to reassure her.   After the last few years of the pandemic, many parents have waited longer before having their babies photographed.  I can confidently say, there is beauty to be captured in all of the phases and stages.  If you’re looking for a photographer to capture your young family, I’d love to hear from you!