This newborn session in our Cranberry Photo Studio was meant to look like it took place at home.  With a bed, a crib, and plenty of natural light, this family is beaming with love.  Oh, and did I mention this blanket is a family heirloom?  I love it when families incorporate special details like this handmade baby blanket!  This blanket was made by his grandmother for his daddy when he was a baby.

This baby boy was so sweet and slept through most of the session.  His mama was telling me that a doctor at the hospital said that babies in the womb are often awake at night when all is quiet and still and that they sleep during the day when there is movement and noise.  So when a baby is born, we often say they’ve got their day and night mixed up, but they’re just doing what they’ve always done!  I like photographing babies awake and asleep.  And his parents were so glad we could see his eyes in some of the photos!

If you’re expecting a newborn and would like to learn more about scheduling a session in your home or in our Cranberry Photo Studio, please give me a call at 412-427-8371 or send me an email.  I’d love to hear from you!  It’s best to plan for your newborn session early in the third trimester.  We meet for a consultation to learn what you are envisioning and talk about how to prepare for the session.  Then, when your baby is born, you’re all set!