A few weeks ago, I got to meet up with this awesome senior and her mom for a senior portrait session at North Park.  With yearbook deadlines this fall, now’s the time to squeeze in those senior sessions.  Life is busy for high school seniors and between academic studies, and extracurricular interests, this young lady has a full schedule.  I really enjoyed learning about her interests in martial arts and musical theater and her plans for college.

It’s so much fun getting to know my clients throughout the shoot and I often walk away feeling like I have a new friend.  Though, I do realize I am just a friendly lady with a camera who is helping to document this special time in her life.  But it really is fun spending an hour getting to know someone and capture their portrait!

If you’re in need of senior portraits, it’s not too late.  I love looking back at my own senior portraits and am so glad my parents documented that time for me.  When I look at them, I am reminded about my priorities then and the lessons I’ve learned since.   And it’s comforting to think that while I’ve changed a lot, some parts of me are still the same, and I think my senior portraits captured that.  And as a photographer, that’s is one of my essential goals, to capture genuine personality.  So please, reach out, I’d love to hear from you.